Blog Writting

As a blogger, write a lot and would often edit them again after publishing. At least I do. Sometimes I forget the most important thing, and would go back and edit again. So you will save a list here:

Read two times 1. If you can write better than you'd think, consider. Do you have involved? Then let. The requested short sure.

2 to check the spelling.

3 Summer to see your work, two times a link check. If one reads the article to understand your need to click a link to view the 404 pages, this is really a bad thing.

4 If you have added an image of that image is needed to write, ask yourself. If it is not necessary to remove. If you have not added any images to your image needs to be questioned whether the.

5. ALT and TITLE tags to images must be sure to add.

6 Print your're tagging / category, make sure. Category is the category most appropriate for your writing, ask yourself.

7 If UTW (Ultimate Tag Warrior), or if you have other plug-ins, meta description, fill in the related keyword. Also filled with keywords is a good title?

8 page views to increase the teaser just remember to use post summaries. Edit: This also can help reduce the penalty multi-copy content. Plus, these readers of the blog homepage to wait longer than writing your own preferences according to the article will also give you the choice.

9 If you are writing modifike link appropriate to add a few key words. Do not include irrelevant things.

Your mind would write a 10 on the news? Do not forget to mention the source if any.

11 Another tip: If you give me the link to your relevant to me then the old one. Blogger does not make it a lot. However, on their own article (deep) to linkleme is good for your blog.
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